Help your child gain independence, safely
Is your child starting a new school in September and planning to walk or cycle independently? We have some tips that can help your child gain independence, safely....
Extra Eyes Statement
Firstly, we would like to thank our residents for contributing journey camera footage to Extra Eyes, a service that supports us in our objective of Vision Zero, no deaths or serious injuries on Essex roads, by 2040....
Essex Police made 198 arrests on suspicion of drink or drug driving during the Euros
As part of the Partnership’s #EurosFootballFriend campaign, Roads Policing officers arrested 122 drivers on suspicion of drink driving, 76 on suspicion of drug driving and 26 drivers for failing to provide a specimen, in an effort to keep roads in Essex safe....
Surewise Commits to Reducing Road Deaths and Injuries by Signing Essex Vision Zero Pledge
Surewise, a national mobility scooter insurance intermediary, has strengthened its commitment to reducing road deaths and injuries by signing the Essex Vision Zero pledge....
SERP’s #EurosFootballFriend goes all the way to the final
What a match....
Three drug drivers arrested during Vision Zero day in Harwich
Officers and staff from the Safer Essex Roads Partnership surrounded Harwich on Thursday, July 11, in a bid to drive down unnecessary road death and injury....
SERP is giving away football legend, David James’ signed Euros Football shirt
In support of the #EurosFootballFriend anti-drink drive campaign, the Partnership is offering its social media followers the chance to win the shirt worn by David James during the filming....
Drink drivers are warned – Be a “Euros Football Friend,” or face the penalties
The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) has increased their roadside enforcement over the summer, to run in line with their drink drive campaign, Euros Football Friend....
Stars align to give drink driving the red card in Essex
Big names have come together to ensure Essex football fans are coming home this year....
New Extra Eyes guidance comes into place
The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) would like to thank the public for their valuable submissions and want to encourage the continued sharing of video evidence of poor road user behaviour....
Keep looking out for bikers – this bank holiday and every day…
Ahead of this weekend, we’re asking all our road users to look out for each other, especially motorcycles and their riders, to keep everyone safe....
Essex residents are urged to voice their priorities to help police and local authorities tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in different communities
Essex residents are being asked express their views, by taking part in the Community Safety Survey by Safer Essex....