Secondary schools

Theatre in Education

The Safer Essex Roads Partnership have run a successful Theatre in Education programme for many years. This year we will be presenting two shows in the Autumn term to year 7 and 11. These are fully funded by Safer Essex Roads Partnership. We are sending invitations to schools from June, keep your eyes peeled.

Year 7 will be delivered by The Riot Act performing ‘What went down…’. This highly engaging, multi-media theatre event promotes key road safety messages to KS3 students. Find out more it from this flyer [PDF].

Year 11/12 will be offered ‘Dead End’ performed by Collingwood Learning. This is a powerful performance focusing of young driver and passenger behaviour. For the objectives and more information, click here to access the flyer [PDF].

The Dead End initiative being performed


  • Deliver key road safety messages around peer pressure and distractions tailored to the age group.
  • Support PSHCE curriculum.
  • Target priority schools based on Social Deprivation Index.
  • Support Vision Zero, no road deaths in Essex.

2023 95% of participants understand how their behaviour as a driver can contribute to dangerous situations on the road. 93% of students understand the consequences of causing death by dangerous driving.

Road Safety Ambassadors

Road Safety Ambassadors is available to all secondary schools in Essex. Teachers can select students to take part. SERP supply students with regular updates and information to share across the school. These might include messages about seasonal information, when community events are happening, Road Safety Week for example. Plus, you can create your own road safety messages, thinking about what important in you school and community. If you are interested in participating, please contact us.

Additional resources

There are lots of resources available we recommend for 13-16 year olds at THINK! educational resources.


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