The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) was visible across Essex last week, helping to keep our roads safe, in support of Vision Zero.
Vision Zero is a collaborative ambition to eliminate road deaths in the county by 2040, or sooner. Our police officers are reducing risk for all road users by detecting and tackling offences that contribute to road deaths. These offences include not wearing a seatbelt, using a mobile phone, drink/drug driving, and inappropriate speed.
Our police officers provided high visibility presence, interaction and education with drivers at the roadside, as well as enforcing offences.
Officers covered Southend, Waltham Abbey, Uttlesford, Brentwood and Castle Point districts dealing with unsafe behaviours. They interacted with over 700 drivers, and issued 455 tickets, for a range of driving offences, including mobile phone usage, lack of seatbelts, no insurance, and speeding, 123 breath test and drug wipes were also undertaken, and three arrests were made.
Road Crime Operational Manager, Samantha Wright, commented: “Essex Police are using Vision Zero to target driving behaviour on the roads. Officers could be at any location, across the county, targeting drivers that are placing themselves, or others, at risk, this includes drink and drug testing, and checking for unroadworthy vehicles.”
In May 2023, SERP launched the Vision Zero Pledge, which calls on all residents of Essex to pledge their support to the elimination of deaths and serious injuries on the county’s roads.
When signing the pledge, supporters are reminded of the actions they can take to make their journeys safer.
William Cubbin, Safer Essex Roads Partnership Manager, added: “Our Vision Zero operations happen throughout the year, all over Essex. The vast majority of drivers we see are attentive and careful, but for those who break the law and put themselves or others at risk our roads policing officers are there to remind them of their responsibilities.”
For more information on Vision Zero, visit: Vision Zero – SERP (
Don’t drink and drive | Essex Police
#VisionZero #VisionZeroEssex @EPRoadsPolicing
6 July 2023