Essex Chief Constable becomes the latest person to sign Essex Vision Zero pledge

The Chief Constable of Essex Police has become the one of the latest people to sign the Essex Vision Zero pledge.

Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington QPM, has signed the pledge, confirming his commitment to eliminating deaths and serious injuries on Essex roads by 2040 – and has urged others to do the same.

He said: “If we work together – businesses, communities and the emergency services – we can stop people coming to harm on our roads. Join me and sign the pledge.”

The Vision Zero pledge, which was launched by the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) in May, during UN Global Road Safety Week, is giving individuals, schools, businesses and organisations across the county an opportunity to make a stand against road harm.

While road deaths and injuries are gradually reducing, 48 people were killed and 3,515 people were injured in crashes on Essex roads in 2022 alone.

The pledge is the first of its kind in the UK and has already attracted hundreds of signatures from SERP partners, including the police, fire service and local councillors, individuals, businesses and community groups.

Nicola Foster, Chair of the Safer Essex Roads Partnership, said: “Thank you so much to Chief Constable Harrington and the many other individuals and organisations who have signed the Essex Vision Zero pledge so far.

“We’re delighted by how many people have shown their support and encourage others to do the same.

“This small action will go a long way towards making our roads a safer place for everyone.”

Sign the Essex Vision Zero pledge here: Vision Zero Pledge – SERP (

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